Our Vision
We know life is busy and joining a church often raises concerns about how much you’ll be adding to your life if you do! At Northfield Community Church (NCC), we get that. So, let us be upfront. We are not seeking to add a bunch of things to your life. Instead, we want you to Connect, Grow, and Live.
Connect to God through Jesus. We want you to turn from sin and turn to Jesus and be connected to God. That’s why you were created! Then, connect with God’s people, the church, by pursuing membership at NCC.
We hope you’ll consider joining a Community Group and let others come alongside you as you seek to follow Jesus. Grow in your faith through involvement in a Community Group, attending our corporate gatherings regularly, and other spiritual disciplines.
Seriously, don’t add a bunch of things to your schedule! Instead, be an ordinary person who lives an ordinary life with gospel intentionality.
Our Beliefs
Members of Northfield Community Church subscribe to the Congregational Affirmation of Faith. The elders of NCC subscribe to the Elder Affirmation of Faith, a more detailed theological document. Both documents are available below. Additionally we have seven theological values that are an important part of our church.
Statements of Faith
We cherish the teaching of the Bible and feel that these two statements of faith are summaries of important truths.
Church Covenant
Connecting to NCC means that we would love for you to pursue covenant membership. Our church covenant summarizes a few things we ask of our members.
7 Biblical Values
In addition to the beliefs outlined in our statements of faith, these seven theological values inform and guide our efforts.
We are:
Christian Hedonistic—loving God and pursuing our joy are one and the same. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
Gospel Centered—the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most central message we have for the world.
Spirit Dependent—without the help of God’s Spirit, we would not be Christians and we would accomplish nothing of eternal value.
Bible Saturated—we store up God’s Word in our hearts.
Reformed and Baptistic—we believe in a sovereign God and that His church is made up of those who believe in Jesus.
Mission Oriented—everything we do aims to help us know Christ and make Him known.
Heavenly Minded—we eagerly await the kingdom of God fully established on this earth.