Josh Koehn
Lead Pastor
Born and raised in Minnesota, Josh got his first taste of ministry working at a bible camp as a teenager. He first felt called to full-time ministry while in college, which led him to Bethlehem Seminary in Minneapolis. Josh loves to teach the bible to people of all ages and is eager to see the people of Northfield Community Church apply the gospel to every area of their lives, both personally and as a community of believers.
Josh and his wife, Kristina, have three kids-Jack, Thomas and Clara.
Zach Simmons
College Ministry Director
Growing up as a pastors kid, Zach had convinced himself he was God's gift to mankind. God used several people in college to humble him and help him see his own great need for a Savior, which in turn gave him a desire to minister to other college students. Zach loves to have honest conversations about faith with college students, and he feels a specific burden to share the gospel with those who haven't heard it before.
Zach and his wife, Justine, have three kids-William, Sullivan, and Marigold.
Jonny Weaver
Worship & Communications Director
Jonny grew up in a musical, church going family, spending his middle and high school years as part of a small church plant in Colorado. This afforded him the opportunity to learn how to play instruments and sing with a variety of musicians. After studying music at Greenville College in southern Illinois, God grew a desire in his heart to lead the church in worship. His great desire at NCC is for the church to be encouraged and shaped by coming together to sing songs that are rich with Biblical truths.
Jonny and his wife, Emily, have three kids -Jameson, Noelle, and Thea.
Dave Filzen
Gary Schutte
TJ Wiebe
Ken Pankow - Finance
Matt Spencer - Helping Hands (Benevolence)
Larry Defries - Building